Published on:
24 Feb 2022

Today, GBCI launched an update to the TRUE Advisor certificate program that includes changes to the course modules, term of validity for the certificate, and related TRUE Advisor logos.
TRUE Advisor certificate program update
- There is no change to the curriculum. The content of the course is unchanged; however, resources and hyperlinks have been refreshed to ensure they remain current. These updates do not impact the content of the TRUE Advisor assessment.
- TRUE Advisor certificates are now valid until Feb. 23, 2027. This update starts a new five-year program term of validity, so new certificates will be valid until Feb. 23, 2027. Because the curriculum has not changed, current TRUE Advisor certificate holders also benefit from the new five-year term of validity and can download an updated certificate by visiting their TRUE user account.
- We’re here to help. All resources, including the TRUE Advisor Certificate Program Handbook and FAQs, are updated to reflect the new program term of validity. Email us with questions.
If you are interested in becoming a TRUE Advisor professional read about the benefits of earning the TRUE Advisor certificate and register for the program.